Our award-winning team
June 26, 2017
Opportunity Partners staff earned three statewide awards this month, demonstrating professional, person-centered qualities that make us proud to have them on our team.

Josiah Early and Nancy Grayson were among six ARRM Cares winners out of nearly 100 nominees statewide. Each year, the Association of Residential Resources in Minnesota (ARRM) honors the best direct support professionals in Minnesota. Josiah and Nancy show outstanding compassion and professionalism. ARRM produced videos about the winners – you can view them here.
Lisa Vitkus was named Minnesota Organization for Habilitation and Rehabilitation (MOHR) Metro Employment Service award winner. As an Opportunity Partners job developer, Lisa believes in every person she serves.

Through her service at Opportunity Partners, she has impacted the lives of more than 160 people with disabilities by helping them secure independent, community jobs.
Congratulations to Josiah, Nancy and Lisa for their dedication to people with disabilities!