A lot to be thankful for

November 20, 2017

By Sade Harrison, Service Coordinator

Fall is here, so the holiday season is right around the corner! Being at Opportunity Partners means that we work and learn with so many people with diverse backgrounds. The holidays are the perfect time be cheerful and reach out to others to learn about what they do during their holiday season!

Sade and Jo Ann

“For Christmas, my mom makes a big dinner and we all meet up at her house. Last year, she made a big lasagna. My family is Puerto Rican, so we always have a lot of Puerto Rican desserts. Last year she made flan.” – Jo Ann

“During the holidays I like to go out with my family. I also like waking up with my family to open presents.” – Megan

“I like to spend time with my mom during the holidays. I like opening presents on Christmas. For Thanksgiving, I always eat pumpkin pie.” – Holly

“For Thanksgiving this year, I will go to Denver. My sister lives in Denver, so we are going to visit her. We are hoping that this Thanksgiving, my sister will have her baby.” – Teddy

“For Christmas, we open presents the night before. This way, we get to sleep in on Christmas day. I love being around my family for the holidays.” – Jordan Pearson, Service Coordinator at Koch Campus

“My family celebrates Christmas. For the Christmas break, I go home to Rochester, MN where my parents live. We also celebrate Christmas at Thanksgiving because my grandparents are snowbirds. They go to Texas after Thanksgiving and stay until April. We celebrate with them early. It is like we get to celebrate Christmas for an entire month!” – Rebekah Wold, Service Coordinator at Koch Campus

“For the Holidays, I cook a big meal because I always invite over people that may not have anywhere to go. There are a lot of people that have moved to Minnesota and may not have family here. They come to my house and it is like my family becomes an even bigger family. I do this for both Thanksgiving and Christmas. We have ham, turkey, macaroni and cheese, collard greens, sweet potatoes and so much more food.” – Colette Durr, Service Coordinator at Koch Campus