Work Independently
Building Careers Together
Career Exploration
What are you interested in? Work 1:1 with an Employment Specialist to explore your interests and gain a better understanding of employment opportunities in your community. Engage in assessments, activities and experiences that introduce you to competitive, integrated work. You will complete paid work experiences in the community to explore skills and interests.
Job Development
Plan and find your next job! Work 1:1 with an Employment Specialist to develop your employment plan, create a resume, identify support needs and prepare for interviews. Once your planning is complete, our professional staff serve as a resource to conduct and support you in a focused job search with an emphasis on engagement and skill building.
Job Retention
Support to keep your job! Our dedicated team of staff will provide you with support services tailored to your needs to help you keep your job. Short-term job coaching, intense job coaching, as well as long-term support options are available based on need. Common supports focus on employee and employer communication, customer service and job accommodations, as well as employer education like disability awareness training.
Referral Information
If you would like Vocational Rehabilitation (VRS) funded employment supports, please connect with your local CareerForce Center to see if you are eligible.

Types Of Jobs And Workplaces
Workplaces range from small businesses to large worldwide corporations. We have placed and supported people with disabilities at the following job locations:
- Child care and senior living centers
- Business settings like mail rooms and offices
- Retail establishments like “big box” stores, chain stores, and locally owned shops
- Service industries like restaurants, coffee shops and corporate cafeterias

I love my job at Arby’s, and I believe a big part of my success is due to Opportunity Partners and my staff giving me the tools to never let my label of being someone with a disability ever constrain me in my endeavors to achieve my goals.